Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Inspired by the satire print, 'Tight Lacing or Fashion before Ease' which depicts women’s fashion in the late 18th century and shows how some of the processes of getting ready for court were critically interpreted.
Produced in collaboration with Historic Royal Palaces
Iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Produced in collaboration with artist Rebecca Russo
Iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Produced in collaboration with artist Rebecca Russo
Jehane Ltd © Jenny Zemanek
Iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Jehane Ltd © Bex Parkin
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
© Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Jehane Ltd © Jenny Zemanek
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Lining made with Liberty® fabric unique for each piece
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Joan Miró, Figures and dog in front of the Sun, 1949 © Successió Miró / Adagp, Paris, 2023
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Lining made with Liberty® fabric unique for each piece
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Joan Miró, Blue II, 1941 © Successió Miró / Adagp, Paris, 2023
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
This clutch contains a free NTF. Download it via a QR code and add to you wallet a digital version of the clutch design.
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless Steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless Steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Jehane Ltd © Jenny Zemanek
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Jehane Ltd ©Holly Dunn
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Brigitte Bardot as a “Côte d’Azur icon” wearing a bikini top and a pareo, above Saint- Tropez with the blue Mediterranean sea background.
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Jehane Ltd © Holly Dunn
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Collection curated by Amalia Spinardi
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Collection curated by Amalia Spinardi
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Collection curated by Amalia Spinardi
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Collection curated by Amalia Spinardi
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Jehane Ltd ©Bex Parkin
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Jehane Ltd ©Bex Parkin
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Brigitte Bardot with her famous "beehive" and her off-shoulder top in the street of Paris
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Brigitte Bardot profile in the 50s with her famous headband highlighting her blonde mane and this statement "I am the man of my life" written on a candy pink background
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Olympia Le-Tan's Picasso x Simon de Pury collection recreates Picasso artworks using embroidery handiwork that take up to 300 hours each to perfect. In Picasso’s 1932 Le sauvetage, The Rescue, there are three women who resemble his mistress and muse Marie-Thérèse Walter. Many of Picasso’s masterpieces from that year depict Picasso’s desire for Marie-Thérèse.
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Copyright ©️ Succession Picasso 2021
Olympia Le-Tan's Picasso x Simon de Pury collection recreates Picasso artworks using embroidery handiwork that take up to 300 hours each to perfect. Picasso often painted seated subjects on a quest to “capture” them in his art. Considered one of Picasso’s best-known Cubist portraits, his muse Dora Maar is here depicted confidently in a yellow sweater.
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Copyright ©️ Succession Picasso 2021
Olympia Le-Tan's Picasso x Simon de Pury collection recreates Picasso artworks using embroidery handiwork that take up to 300 hours each to perfect. Picasso revisited depicting his mistress and muse, Surrealist photographer Dora Maar, as his “weeping woman,” many times. La femme qui pleure is one of his final pieces in a series he produced in response to the bombings of Guernica.
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Copyright ©️ Succession Picasso 2021
Olympia Le-Tan's Picasso x Simon de Pury collection recreates Picasso artworks using embroidery handiwork that take up to 300 hours each to perfect. Jeune fille devant un miroir is a 1932 portrait of Picasso’s mistress and muse Marie-Thérèse Walter created during his Cubist period. Legend has it that Picasso said he “preferred this painting to any of the others.”
Clutch with iconic shape and design
Hand embroidered silk thread and felt appliqué
Stainless steel frame
Unique printed lining for each piece (could be different from the picture)
Limited edition numbered
Composition: 50% Cotton 25% Wool – 20% Stainless steel 5% Silk Thread
Dimensions: 20cm x 14cm x 3cm
Copyright ©️ Succession Picasso 2023